Pinho’s Lab has recently been distinguished by the Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience, receiving funding for a groundbreaking research project dedicated to harnessing glycans to improve immunotherapies for colorectal cancer (CRC).

Catarina Azevedo, Srishti Shah and Rafaela Nogueira – PhD students from Pinho’s lab – have recently been awarded with Travel Grants from the European Federation for Immunological Sciences (EFIS)!

Our latest publication, published in the journal Gut Microbes, delves into how the glycosylation of the gut mucosa impacts the crosstalk between microbiota and immune cells in the context of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Joana Gaifem, a post-doctoral researcher in Pinho’s Lab, has recently been awarded with the Maria de Sousa prize. Currently in its 4th edition, this prize pays homage to the late Maria de Sousa, a pioneer in immunology and education in Portugal, and distinguishes notable young researchers in Portugal working in the health sciences.

Pinhos Lab's master and PhD students visited Liga Portuguesa Contra Cancro (LPCC) in Porto, presenting christmas gifts to children using funds raised within the group.